Absentee Voters Info 2007 Update
Absentee Ballot Application Information
By law, our Annual Town Elections will be held on March 13, 2007. The polls will be open at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall from 5 to 8PM. The Annual Town Meeting will convene at 8:15PM following the elections. The Board of Canvass Meeting will follow the Annual Town Meeting. Two offices are up for election: Supervisor – Three Year Term and Treasurer – 2 Year Term. This election will deal only with Township issues.
Any eligible voter who reasonably expects to be unable to go to the polling place on election day in the precinct where the individual maintains residence because of absence from the precinct, illness, disability, religious discipline, observance of a religious holiday, or service as an election judge in another precinct may vote by absentee ballot.
This notice is to advise you of the procedure for absentee voting for the March 13, 2007 election.
An application is required before a ballot can be issued. You may apply for an absentee ballot by requesting an application form or by written letter. You may request the application form by mail (Town of Crane Lake, P.O. Box 402, Crane Lake, MN 55725), by phone (218/993-1303) or by fax (218-993-1303). An application form for an absentee ballot cannot be sent to you without your request. If you write a letter requesting an absentee ballot, the following information must be included in your letter: State which election you want the absentee ballot for (Annual Town Election), state the reason for the request of an absentee ballot, state your legal address in Crane Lake, state the address to mail the absentee ballot to, and include your signature and date. Application forms are available now. Completed applications may be faxed, mailed or hand delivered to the Clerk. Absentee ballots will be mailed after February 9, 2007. If you are or will be out of the area, you may mail your ballot.
For the people that will be in the area but will be unable to vote at the Town Annual Election on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 when the polls are open from 5:00PM to 8:00PM; you may fill out an application for absentee voting, receive a ballot and cast your vote at the Clerk’s home at 7476 Bayside Drive from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon on Saturday, March 10, 2007.
If you need further information, please call me at 218-993-1303
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk