Crane Lake Township

Current Topics

Community Planning Session Invitation


P.O. BOX 402


Phone or Fax:  218/993-1303   E-Mail:


Jerry Pohlman, Chairman                                                                                                    Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk

Jim Janssen, Vice-Chairman                                                                                                Traci Bak, Treasurer

Arthur Eggen, Supervisor



December 10, 2015




Dear Crane Lake Neighbor,

You are Invited and encouraged to attend a public meeting to help create the 2016 Crane Lake Community Action Plan. The plan updates the version adopted in 2006 and sets forth a program of actions intended to improve and enhance Crane Lake. The meeting will be held Tuesday January 5, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Voyagaire Lodge.   Prior to the meeting, The Township will be providing a Spaghetti dinner to all attendees at 5:15 p.m.

Earlier this year the Town retained the services of John Powers of Applied Insightsnorth and Bob Bruce of Carduus LLC, both of Duluth, to assist us in our effort. This important meeting will be a focused community discussion designed to generate information and community guidance that the consultants will use to produce a draft updated document. The community will review the draft document at a subsequent meeting.

Accompanying this notice is the agenda for the meeting. A short background paper that presents the consultants’ understanding of Crane Lake is on the Township website under Community Events, Current Topics (left hand side at the bottom of the Home Page). .  The general structure of the meeting will be:

  1. The consultants will provide an initial list of key opportunities facing Crane Lake.
  2. Meeting participants will review that list and as a group add/delete/revise items, and, then assign them a rough order of priority.
  3. Working in small groups, participants will identify a desired end result for one or more of the opportunities, and, outline the initial actions needed to achieve those objectives.
  4. The small groups will present their findings to the whole assembly which will discuss them and reach a rough level of consensus regarding end results and actions.

The consultants will use the ideas generated at the meeting to prepare the draft updated community action plan. This document will be presented at a Town Board meeting held for the express purpose of allowing the Crane Lake community to review, comment and suggest changes to the draft. Finally, the consultants will prepare the final document and transmit it to the Township.

If you have any questions or wish to submit comments or questions in lieu of attending the meeting, feel free to contact a member of the Town Board or the Town Clerk. We hope to see you at the meeting.


The Town Board of Supervisors