August 12, 2008: Reconvened Annual Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2008
The August 12, 2008 Reconvened Annual Meeting was called to order by Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman at 8:00PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with a reporter from the Voyageur Sentinel and 14 members of the community in attendance.
Clerk Jo Ann explained that the meeting was the Reconvened Meeting of the Annual Meeting of March 11, 2008; the purpose being to review the Proposed 2009 Budget developed by the Budget Committee and accepted by the Town Board of Supervisors, and to approve a levy amount for 2009. She explained that the Town Supervisors do not conduct the meeting but rather a Moderator. Jeff Sanborn was elected on March 11th to be the Moderator, and would continue as Moderator if there was no objection. There was none.
Moderator Jeff reviewed the Agenda items. Township Treasurer and Budget Committee Chair Terrie Hoff suggested that everyone present review the Proposed 2009 Budget received prior to the meeting. Terrie asked if there were any questions. Cathy Erickson requested an addition to the Township portion of the Budget/Levy of $9,000.00 for speed humps, increasing the Budget Committee’s recommendation of $33,170.00 to $42,170.00. There was discussion stating pros and cons. A motion was made by Cathy Erickson, supported by Terrie Hoff to add $9000.00 to the general fund portion of the 2009 levy request for speed humps for community enhancement and safety contingent upon receipt of liability release documents from the County and to gift the speed humps to the County after purchase by the Township. Six voted in favor; three voted against and the motion carried.
A motion was made by Butch Eggen, supported by Terrie Hoff, to approve the Township portion of the levy in the amount of $42,170.00. There was no discussion. Eight voted in favor, one voted against and the motion carried.
A motion was made by Ruth L. Carlson, supported by Jim Janssen to approve the Fire Protection portion of the levy in the amount of $49,100.00. There was no discussion. Nine voted in favor; no one voted against and the motion carried.
$91,270.00 was approved as the levy amount for 2009 to be sent to the St. Louis County Auditor by September 15, 2008.
A motion was made by Mike White, supported by Butch Eggen to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM.
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jeff Sanborn, Moderator
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved.