3/7/16 Community Planning Session Invitation
P.O. BOX 402
Phone or Fax: 218/993-1303 E-Mail: info@cranelaketwp.com
Jim Janssen, Chairman Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk
Jerry Pohlman, Vice-Chairman Traci Bak, Treasurer
Arthur Eggen, Supervisor
February 17, 2016
Dear Crane Lake Neighbor,
Early in January town residents and land owners met to generate guidance for the development of a Crane Lake updated community plan. That was a well-attended and constructive session. Now you are invited to participate in the follow-up session at which the draft plan will be reviewed and critiqued. The meeting will be held Monday March 7, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Voyagaire Lodge.
Accompanying this notice is the meeting’s agenda. The Draft Plan is on the Township website under Community Events, Current Topics (left hand side at the bottom of the Home Page). www.cranelaketwp.com . We encourage you to review the Draft Plan. The general structure of the meeting will be:
- Brief review of plan components and contents. This will be offered by John Powers and Bob Bruce, the consultants retained by the Township to prepare the plan.
- Focused discussion by meeting participants on the plan’s main chapters with the intent to offer substantive comments and suggested changes.
- General question and answer discussion on any aspect of the plan.
The results of this session will be used by the consultants to prepare the final document that will be submitted to the Town Board for its consideration and action.
Whether you can attend the session or not, you are encouraged to submit comments prior to the meeting. Please send these by email (preferred) to info@cranelaketwp.com or mail to Town of Crane Lake, P.O. Box 402, Crane Lake, MN 55725. We hope to see you at the meeting.
The Town Board of Supervisors