Crane Lake Township

Current Topics

3/12/13 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting

March 12, 2013

The March 12, 2013 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Pohlman at 8:15PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with those in attendance including: Supervisors Butch Eggen, Jim Janssen and Jerry Pohlman, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, and 3 members of the community. Treasurer Terrie Hoff was absent.


Additions to the Agenda: Variance application was added to New Business.

Minutes – A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to approve the minutes of the 2/12/2013 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Jo Ann read the February Cash Balances in Terrie’s absence and presented the bills as follows: Timberjay – $29.90; CL Sustainable Land Corp. – $200.00; CLVTB – $1,136.52 and Payroll – $775.95. A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jim, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried.

The Clerk presented the correspondence. The correspondence was received as read and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.


Land Exchange/Community Property Project: Ruth L. Carlson reported that a letter was sent to Riggs Land & Minerals in Houston, Texas asking to purchase the mineral interest beneath the Vermilion River land tract. If it is possible to purchase, what compensation would be asked. There has been no reply to date. A follow-up phone call will be made if a response is not received within two weeks. A phone call was received from Lake Country Power in response to the letter sent to them informing the Township that work is in progress. Lake Country Power will work with its surveyor. Frontier Telephone Co. acknowledged receipt of the Township letter and has forwarded the letter to their attorney.

CLWSD Report: Please refer to the Annual Meeting Minutes of 3/12/13.

Assessor Status Report: An update from St. Louis County was reviewed by the Board.

Jacque Eggen Memorial Fund: There was no update.

VNP Reservations & Fees Letter: Tabled until the next meeting and after Mike Ward and the CLVTB Board Members meet.

Donation Request – St. Louis County Fair: The Board agreed not to donate.

Spring Clean-Up Day: The Spring Clean-Up Day was set for Saturday, April 27th at 4PM with Sunday, April 28th set as the rain date. Nelson’s will supply the bags. Shirley Sanborn will again head the event with everyone meeting at the Fellowship Hall.

Spring Short Course: A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jim, to approve mileage and meeting expenses to anyone wishing to attend. All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Board of Appeal Meeting Date: The Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting will be Thursday, May 2nd at 2PM at the Fellowship Hall.

Town of Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – March 12, 2013
Deputy Treasurer Appointment: Following township procedure, Terrie Hoff selected Ruth L. Carlson to be the Deputy Treasurer. A Certificate of Appointment of Deputy Town Treasurer was presented to Ruth L. Carlson. Ruth took her Oath of Office following the meeting. A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jim, to adopt Beacon Bank’s resolution authorizing Jeremy Pohlman, Jo Ann Pohlman, Terrie Hoff and Ruth L. Carlson as agents of the Town of Crane Lake to endorse checks and orders for the payment of money or otherwise withdraw or transfer funds on deposit with Beacon Bank. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Board discussed Deputy Treasurer payment. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to pay the Deputy Treasurer $45 for each meeting and to address other needed work as it arises. All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Tobacco License Approval: A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jim, to adopt Resolution No. 2013-02 approving the issuance of a tobacco products license for Anderson Canoe Outfitters, Inc. d/b/a/ Anderson Canoe Outfitters, Inc. for the year ending the 31st day of December, 2013. All voted in favor and the motion carried.

VNP Government Affairs Committee: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to accept Jerry’s offer to be the Town’s representative on the VNP Government Affairs Committee with Butch as alternate representative. All voted in favor and the motion carried.

Community Action Plan Re-Visit: The Board agreed to address this after the completion of the Land Exchange process.

Variance Application: A variance application was received from the St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department for property purchased by Timothy and Joan Bonner. The Board had no objection to the variance application.

Other New Business: There was none.

Comments from Officers: Jerry, Jim and Butch thanked all who participated in the Annual Meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Ruth L. Carlson stated that she has received phone calls from Buyck residents about their Fire Department being disbanded with the Buyck area being served by the CLVFD and the Orr Fire Department. Jerry responded that the CLVFD had not been approached to date.

Next Meeting: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting, April 9, 2013 – 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall
Board of Appeal Meeting, May 2, 2013 – 2:00PM, Fellowship Hall

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.


Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk                                                    Jerry Pohlman, Chairman




This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.