9/8/15 Minutes
September 8, 2015
The September 8, 2015 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Pohlman at 7:35PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including: Supervisors Butch Eggen, Jim Janssen, and Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, and 7 members of the community.
Additions to the Agenda: There were no additions.
Minutes – A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to approve the minutes of the 8/11/2015 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report –The August Cash Balances were read and the bills were presented as follows: Costin Group – $1,000.00; Applied Insights North – $550.00; CLVTB – $19,254.34; and Payroll – $663.11. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Clerk presented the correspondence. The correspondence was received as read and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.
Land Exchange/Community Property Project: Ruth L. Carlson reported the following: All that is needed to complete the final necessary closure of the land exchange is to resolve two lawyers with opposing beliefs. Last week I spoke with Mia Thibodeau of the Fryberger Law Firm. She had a conversation with Huck Andresen. He believes that the incorrect number of the road as listed by the Forest Service is “grandfathered in” and does not need to be corrected. Mia believes a title commitment will be needed when the property is sold. She will contact a Title Company to see if they will issue a title commitment as the property is now listed. If it will not, she will proceed to change it and get it corrected. She thought she would have an answer for me by this evening’s meeting. I called her this morning and left a message requesting an update; however, to this date she has not returned my call. I will continue to pursue this matter. 4:20PM – Mia called. She has not had a return from the Title Company, but should within the week. She will keep me informed.
Jacque Eggen Memorial Fund: There was no report.
Costin Group Report: Gary Cerkvenik reported that he is working on Nolan meeting and discussion on appropriations for a visitor center for Crane Lake. He is expanding support for the project. He is doing follow up on shoulders on the Crane Lake Road.
Crane Lake Road Repair: Deena Congdon said there was nothing new to report. Culvert work has begun on the Orr end of the road.
VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite: There was no report from Mike Ward. Jim expressed his feelings of a need for a committee to work with the Park Service to further our goal of a visitor center/camp ground in Crane Lake. There was much discussion with the Supervisors agreeing that a committee should be formed. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to form a Township committee with Deena Congdon and Brenda Pohlman serving as co-chairs, with a total of 5 to 7 committee members comprised of non-business owners (other than the co-chairs), and with Jim Janssen serving as an exofficio committee member to work with the VNP and Gary Cerkvenik to further the goal of a VNP visitor center/camp ground in Crane Lake. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Frontier Internet: There is progress.
Town of Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2015
ATV Use on Vermilion Falls Road: Committee Chairman Bruce Beste reported that St Louis County on Sept 9 passed a resolution to permit ATV use on County Road 24 (Gold Coast and Crane Lake Roads) 424 Nelson Road and 425 Handberg Road within Crane Lake Township. This will be part of a pilot project with County Road 24, County Road 422 loops, and County Road 180 in Portage, Camp 5, and Leiding Townships. Target date is September 22 for beginning implementation. After the pilot project, the County will introduce policy for permitting on other County roads and to make our pilot permanent. The resolution calls for the policy for permitting across the County by April 5, 2016. Speed limits of 30 mph will be enforced. It will be up to Voyageur Country ATV to partner on enforcement of safe and responsible riding through education and ambassador riding presence.
Crane Lake Comprehensive Plan: John Powers provided the following report: Work done during this period included – additional research, interviews/correspondence with agencies, preparation of materials for public planning session, and drafting language for plan document. The Community Gathering planned for September 1st was cancelled as the Board was dissatisfied with the agenda presented by Applied Insights North. A phone call will be made to John Powers with a letter to follow expressing the Board’s views. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to approve completing the contract with Applied Insights North by offering $2,000, if they are not willing to make requested changes at this time. The Board would then follow up with the IRRRB inviting them to move forward with the pilot project previously offered. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Primary Election Judges: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to approve the Clerk’s roster of recommended election judges for appointment for the Primary Election on September 29, 2015. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Other New Business: There was none.
Comments from Officers: Jerry hoped everyone enjoyed the Labor Day Weekend and Voyageur Days activities. Jim echoed Jerry’s comments and thanked the events committee for their work on the boat races and Voyageur Days. Butch echoed Jerry and Jim’s comments and said he appreciated the dialogue and openness of those present. Jo Ann reminded everyone to vote at the Primary Elections on September 29th.
Public Comments: Ruth asked when the road construction on Handberg Road would be completed. Ruth also donated her gavel to the Township with the following message: To the Town of Crane Lake Board of Supervisors. I present this gavel to the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors. It has been used by me and my husband Harlan when we have had need of its use. The gavel is a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting or legislature. The striking of the gavel is used for attention or order, to put into effect a motion or conclude a meeting. The gavel is a symbol of authority. I know the Board of Supervisors will use it wisely. My best wishes from Ruth L. Carlson.
Bruce Beste stated that he and the ATV Club are very appreciative of the support of local officials in the formation of the club and its efforts.
Next Meeting: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting, October 13, 2015, 7:30PM – Fellowship Hall
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jerry Pohlman, Chairman
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.