5/18/22 Bayside Dr Minutes
May 18, 2022
The Bayside Drive informational meeting, held via Zoom, began at 6:35PM on 5/18/22 with those in attendance including: Gary Cerkvenik of the Costin Group, Town Board Supervisor Jim Janssen, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, Bayside Drive property owners Tim McGuire and Jon Solberg, and community member Nancy Ross.
Jim began the meeting by explaining its purpose as being educational and to provide a forum for questions and answers on the process involved in upgrading Bayside Drive. The Township is proposing that the road should be expanded on the west side of the road with as little impact as possible to the residents.
Gary Cerkvenik provided background of the Visitor Center and Campground project and the DNR’s plan to upgrade the Public Water Access. He explained the different grants that had been received and those that are in the application stage. A requirement of the State Park Road Account Program to receive funding is that Bayside Drive become a Township or County Road. A Public Hearing is set for June 28th.
A township road must meet state specifications. If the road is widened mainly to the west, ditching and right-of-way requirements would need to occur on the east side of the road. The Township would be responsible for care and maintenance of the road.
Will the upgraded road follow the same route? Yes, except at the junction of Handberg Road and Bayside Drive. There is consideration of moving the entrance to the powerline area.
Will the road be raised? Yes.
When will work begin? 2023, if all goes as planned.
Will Bayside Drive residents be assessed for maintenance? No, the Township will be responsible for maintenance of the road.
Will utility lines need to be moved? This is currently unknown.
What is the process to acquire right-of-way? The Township would contract with County Agents who are knowledgeable of the assessment, appraisal, and compensation process. If a property owner is dissatisfied with the assessment, they may go to court to dispute.
Has there been discussion on the extent of the road? The upgrade is planned to go from Handberg Road to the DNR Public Access. There are funding applications in process to upgrade the Public Water Access over the next five years. Upgrades would include docks, ramps, drainage, and restrooms.
Are there any other scenarios of accessing the DNR site from the Visitor Center or Bayside Drive? Wetland access is cost prohibitive. The Township did investigate purchasing a property between the Visitor Center and the DNR site for a road/path, but the purchase plan did not go through.
Will the road be paved or gravel? It will be gravel.
Is there any consideration of improving the drainage ditch that empties into Crane Lake? Not currently as design plans have not been created.
A letter will be sent to property owners prior to the hearing asking for a response confirming receipt of the letter. Please respond to the letter to avoid the additional expense of having the letter hand delivered.
There were no further questions or discussions. Jim thanked everyone for their input and participation.
The meeting ended at 7:05PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jim Janssen, Vice-Chairman