Crane Lake Township

Current Topics

5/11/21 Minutes



May 11, 2021



The May 11, 2021 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Pohlman at 7:30PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including Supervisors Jim Janssen, Kara Knutson & Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman; and 5 members of the community.




Additions to the Agenda:  – There were none.


Minutes – A motion was made by Jim, supported by Kara, to approve the minutes of the 4/13/21 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting and the 4/29/21 Board of Appeal Meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report –The April Cash Balances were read and the bills were presented as follows: Costin Group – $1,250.00; Lake Country Power – $146.56; Timberjay – $91.17; Lutefisk Tech. – $33.90; Northern Lights Surveying – $750.00; Kollender Appraisal – $650.00; CLVTB – $185.74; and Payroll $867.44.  A motion was made by Kara, supported by Jim, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


The Clerk presented the correspondence.  The correspondence was received and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.





VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite:

Committee Report: The Committee report focused on the architectural RFQ’s received from 8 firms.

  • The Committee plans to narrow the eligibility list of architects from eight to four by May 21st. Interviews of the remaining four will be planned for the first week of June.  The interview team will consist of the Committee members plus one Board member.
  • Jim will remind VNP Superintendent Bob DeGross to communicate with the USFS about space needed in the Visitor Center.
  • Louis County Purchasing Director, Donna Viskoe with assist with the campground development.
  • Jim will be the liaison between the Township and the VNP as we go forward.
  • Those present agreed that an Architect should be selected by the Township to work with the Town and the VNP going forward.
  • The Committee will review the VNP draft agreement, with standardized template language typically used for NPS general agreements, received from Bob DeGross. Bob included a list of ideas to be considered for inclusion in the agreement.  Once everyone is in agreement on what should be included, the Township attorney will be asked to review prior to signature.
  • Kristen Scott’s house was appraised at $210,000. Jerry will communicate with the Township attorney regarding the Township’s responsibility in paying above the appraised value of the property.


Grounds Clean-up:  There was no report.

Docks:  There was no report.


ATV Report:  Bruce advised those present that the next ATV meeting is scheduled for Wed., May 12th  at 6:30PM at Echo Trail Tavern – This will be the Club’s annual meeting.  The Club received $150,000 from the IRRR, $100,000 of which will be used on the trail between Crane Lake and Vermilion Falls.  A Joint Powers Board (JPB) was formed to included Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis Counties with Comm. Paul McDonald as Chairman.


Trails Report:  There was no report.  Lori Sanborn has agreed to chair the Committee.


Land Use Project:  The Land Use Project Committee selected Northern Lights Surveying Services for the survey.  A 40% retainer of $750.00 was paid to the firm.  The survey will be done in July. The Budget Committee suggested paying $35,000 of the loan principal associated with the property in June.  A motion was made by Jim, supported by Kara, to make the $35,000.00 principal payment on the loan in June.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Town of Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2021



Scott’s Seaplane Base:  There was no report


Neighborhood Watch Report:  There was nothing new.


Broadband:  Mark Anderson contacted a firm in Hibbing to attend the Township meeting and explain broadband options for Crane Lake, but received no response.  Mark suggested that Ely be contacted as a resource as they are currently installing a fiber-optic network in the downtown area.  Morcom Township is doing the same and could be contacted. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to form a committee to continue researching broadband options for Crane Lake with Drake Dill as Chairman.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  The Committee members are Mark Anderson and Drake Dill.





Liquor License Renewals:  A motion was made by Kara, supported by Jerry, to grant Handberg’s Marina and Anderson Canoe Outfitters’ requests for renewal of their Off-Sale 3.2% Malt Liquor Licenses for 2021; and Scott’s Bar & Grill’s request for renewal of their Combination On/Off Sale & Sunday On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for 2021.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Deputy-Clerk Salary:  A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Kara, to set the Deputy-Clerk’s salary at $150.00 per month when services are required.  Jerry and Kara voted in favor, Jim abstained; and the motion carried.


Drake Dill -Cabins on Crane-Letter of Support:  Drake was present to request a letter of support for expansion efforts at Cabins on Crane.  A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to provide the letter of support to St. Louis County Planning.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Other New Business:  There was none.


Comments from Officers:  All welcomed Drake and Whitney Dill to the community and wished them the best with their expansion plans at Cabins on Crane.


Public Comments: Bruce Beste advised those present that a friend of his recently purchased property south of the Township’s property on Crane Lake Road.  That person is interested in purchasing about 1/3 of the Township owned property near his recently purchased property.



Next Meeting:   Board of Supervisors’ Meeting – June 8, 2021 – 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM.






Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk                                                  Jerry Pohlman, Chairman













This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.