4/12/22 Minutes
April 12, 2022
The April 12, 2022, Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Pohlman at 5:37PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including VNP Superintendent Bob DeGross; Gary Cerkvenik of the Costin Group; Supervisors Jim Janssen & Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman; and twelve members of the community – including those attending via Zoom.
Additions to the Agenda: CLWSD support letter and Early tax distribution were added to New Business.
VNP Superintendent Bob DeGross distributed a handout prepared for the April 2022 Voyageurs Gateway Community Meetings. Mr. DeGross explained to the group that Zebra Mussel veligers (larval stage of zebra mussels) were found in Black Bay of Rainy Lake. Adult zebra mussels have not been confirmed. A cleaning station is planned for the Namakan Lake side of Kettle Falls for boats traveling from Rainy to Namakan – a future press release will explain further. Bob said there would be a June 9th public event christening the new Namakan tour boat – the Ne-zho-dain, and recognizing work at Ellsworth Rock Garden. There will be spring cattail burns this spring in the VNP. Bob told the group that summer camping & houseboat early reservations seem to be on track with 2020 and 2021.
Minutes – A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to approve the minutes of the 2/8/22 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting and the 3/24/22 Special Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report –The March Cash Balances were read, and the bills were presented as follows: Costin Group – $1,250.00; Lake Country Power – $167.51; IRS – $461.96; Cook News-Herald – $154.00; St. Louis County Auditor – $180.00 & $1,710.17; Lutefisk Tech. – $99.90; Jeff Sanborn – $50.00; Johnson, Killen & Seiler – $2,840.00; and Payroll – $758.43. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Clerk presented the correspondence. The correspondence was received and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.
VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite:
Committee Report & Resulting Board Action: Gretchen Janssen provided the following report: Meetings have continued with the engineers and architects every two weeks. Minutes are distributed to all Town board and committee members for review. Design plans are nearing completion for both projects. The next items for discussion include details of the campground shower house, and the outdoor space between Visitor Center and shoreline. The next meeting will be in-person on April 21 from 10 am until noon here at the Chapel. Architects will be bringing samples and advanced drawings, so we really hope for a good turnout. The engineers have applied for a variance and conditional use permit through St Louis County. Hearing date is set for May 12 at the Virginia Government Services Center. Tentative times are 9:30 am for the CUP and 10:00 am for the variance. The Town should send representation. (Jim Janssen said he would try to attend).
Roy Christensen, Town attorney, is finalizing documents related to the dissolution of the CIC and establishing unit #13 as a parcel. The committee suggests all Town board members review this document individually as soon as it is distributed; considering docks, roadways, etc. to be sure that all necessary easements and boundary lines are clarified. Meetings between the committee rep and VNP are progressing. The park will be proposing a sample lease agreement for review within the next month.
Action Items:
1) All invoices for the engineers and architects have been approved and paid through LCCMR grant funds. The Town Board is required to review the list of paid bills and approve them. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to approve the bills presented as follows: S.E.H. – $12,160.00; A.R.I. – $22,500; S.E.H. – $99,208.00. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
2)The committee requests approval of the following campground hours (needed for the CUP): Hours of operation 9 am – 5 pm, Quiet hours 10 pm – 8 am, Staff on-site 24/7. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to approve the hours as suggested by the Committee. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2022
VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite:
Committee Report & Resulting Board Action (Cont.)
3)The committee recommends that the Town choose a formal name for the campground and begin creating a logo, outdoor banner and website, in preparation for the summer camping season. The committee also recommends that the Town purchase reservation software for managing the campground, as this may affect the platform of our website. The committee recommends that the Town approve actions by the committee to apply for grant funds for these items through an IRRR tourism grant. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to adopt Resolution No. 2022-03 Authorizing for IRRR Funding Application and Fund Acceptance by Gretchen Janssen for the above mentioned expenses not covered by LCCMR Funds. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
4)The committee recommends that the Town hire someone local to demolish the building currently on the campground property, rather than the engineers. Our goal is always to stay on budget and we have resources here in town that can get that job done now at a lesser cost. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, that Bill Congdon advertise on Facebook for someone to demo the building. All voted in favor and the motion carried. In addition, Bill will ask for campground name suggestions. He will also mention that the 4/21/22 Committee Meeting will be held at the Fellowship Hall at 10AM.
Bayside Drive: Corey Klinefelter, a Bayside Drive property owner, spoke to the group. He became aware of the proposed upgrades to Bayside Drive a week ago. He wished to educate himself on the process – to see how it will affect his property, the importance of the road upgrade to the Visitor/Campground project, and how other people in Crane Lake feel about it. He stressed the importance of communication to the property owners on Bayside Drive and the inclusion of all in the discussions going forward. Gary Cerkvenik reviewed the Visitor Center/Campground project with those present. A petition signed by eight voting members of Crane Lake living within three miles of Bayside Drive petitioned the establishment of ”the existing private road (Bay Side Road) beginning at Handberg Road on the south end, then travelling north toward Crane Lake approximately 1,180 feet, then travelling west approximately 420 feet to its termination” was presented to the Board. As part of the petition process a hearing must be set. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to adopt Resolution #2002-05 Order Setting Forth Initial Descriptions and Setting Hearing Date as required by Minn. Stat. 164.07, subd. 2 prior to acting upon the petition. The date and time were set for June 28, 2022, at 5PM at the Fellowship Hall. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Pathway or Road between Visitor Center & DNR site: Will be removed from the Agenda.
Funding: Discussed above; and Gary Cerkvenik updated everyone on current funding efforts.
ATV Report: There will be a meeting on Wednesday at Arrowhead Lodge in Kabetogama at 6PM.
Trails Report: There was no Report
American Rescue Plan Act Fund: The expenditure of funds is yet to be determined.
Broadband Committee Report: Drake Dill plans to have a report for the May meeting.
CIC: Attorney Roy Christensen is working on the possible dissolution of the CIC and will provide a document for Board review.
Tobacco License Approval: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to adopt Resolution #2022-04 approving the issuance of a tobacco products license for Anderson Canoe Outfitters, Inc. d/b/a Anderson Canoe Outfitters, Inc. for the year ending the 31st day of December, 2022. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Liquor License Renewals: A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to grant Pine Point Lodge & Resort, Inc.’s request for renewal of On/Off Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor license. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to grant Anderson Canoe Outfitters, Inc.’s request for renewal of Off-Sale 3.2 Percent Malt Liquor License. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to grant Bell Resorts, Inc.’s request for renewal of Combination On/Off-Sale & Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Cook Timber Days Donation Request: The Board did not decide to make a donation.
Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2022
Supervisor Appointment: Prior to voting by secret ballot, Jim thanked both Serena Swenson and Brandon Anderson for stepping up to fill the open position on the Board until the end of 2022 and expressed his wish that both would consider being on the ballot in the November elections to fill the open position for a four-year term. Treasurer Traci Bak reviewed the ballots and declared Brandon Anderson as the Supervisor to fill the Board vacancy.
CLWSD Support Letter: A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to write a letter of support for the CLWSD’s request for Congressionally Directed Spending to US Senators Klobuchar and Smith. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Early Tax Distribution: The Board declined early tax distribution of levy money.
Other New Business: There was none.
Comments from Officers: There were none.
Public Comments: Corey Klinefelter thanked the Board for his participation in the meeting and said he looks forward to working to arrive at a solution for Bayside Drive to everyone’s satisfaction.
Next Meeting: Board of Appeal & Equalization –April 14, 2022 – 2:00PM, Fellowship Hall
Board of Supervisors’ Meeting – May 10, 2022 – 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05PM.
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jerry Pohlman, Chairman
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.