3/8/16 Board Minutes
March 8, 2016
The March 8, 2016 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Janssen at 8:30PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with those in attendance including: Supervisors Butch Eggen, Jim Janssen and Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman and 8 members of the community.
Additions to the Agenda: There were none.
Minutes – A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to approve the minutes of the 2/9/2016 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report –The February Cash Balances were read and the bills were presented as follows: Costin Group – $1,000.00; Cook News-Herald – $80.00; Express Print One – $555.68; Lutefisk Tech. – $119.70; Heart of the Continent – $100.00; CLVTB – $356.37; Border State Bank – $25,000.00; and Payroll $112.69. A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Clerk presented the correspondence. The correspondence was received as read and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.
Land Exchange/Community Property Project: Ruth L. Carlson’s reported that Attorney Huck Andresen is still waiting to hear from the USFS.
Jacque Eggen Memorial Fund: Butch stated that he felt the Memorial could be incorporated with the road work near the culvert this summer.
Costin Group Report: Gary Cerkvenik email the following report: Continue work on the visitor center, road shoulders and trails.
Crane Lake Road Repair: Deena had nothing new to report. Bill Congdon was tasked with communicating with the County on a possible sidewalk on one side of the Gold Coast Road.
VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite: The Township is looking into purchase of the Braaten property. The VNP Committee received a proposal from Mr. Braaten’s attorney for a first right of refusal to purchase his property. The Committee recommended that the Town enter into a first right of refusal agreement with Mr. Braaten. They recommended that the Town counter offer the current Trenti (Braaten’s attorney) proposal by extending the timeframe to 3 years, asking for the full credit of $10,000.00 back in the event that the Town does buy the land, and 50% or $5,000.00 back in the event that the Town does not purchase the land. The Town would also ask that at the end of 3 years the Town would have the option of extending the agreement if the land had not sold. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Butch, to counter offer as described above to see what comes back before submitting to the Township attorney. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Frontier Internet: There may be something new to report at the April meeting.
ATV Use: Bruce Beste reported that the Federal government is looking into re-classifying their roads related to ATV use from Class 4 to Trail to eliminate the need for an environmental impact statement or hearings. Something should be known by mid-summer. The next ATV Club meeting will be at the VRT at 7PM on 3/9/16.
Crane Lake Comprehensive Plan: The second community meeting was held on Monday, March 7th at Voyagaire Lodge. Some community members expressed their disappointment in the lack of attention paid to the 80 acres that the Township owns. They also wished there had been more discussion on trails.
Town of Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2016
MN Dot Aeronautics: There was nothing new to report.
Township Land Acquisition: Discussed under VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite.
Trails: The newly formed Trails Committee needs to select a chairman and they wanted the Township to consider the purchase of a groomer for non-motorized trails. Current members of the Committee are – Deena Congdon, Jeff Miller, Gretchen Janssen, Lori Sanborn, Bruce Beste, and Traci Bak.
Board of Appeals Meeting Date & Time: The Board of Appeals Meeting is set for April 12, 2016 at 1PM at the Fellowship Hall.
2016 Spring Short Course: A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to approve expenses for any members of the Board wishing to attend the Spring Short Course. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Other New Business: There was none.
Comments from Officers: Butch thanked everyone for attending both the Annual Meeting and the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. Jerry stated that he could be contacted for information on the rule curve. Jo Ann reminded everyone that County Commissioner Tom Rukavina would be at Trails End from 10AM to noon on March 28th to meet people of the community and hear their concerns. Jim thanked all for attending the meetings tonight and the Community Planning meeting on Monday.
Public Comments: Jeff Sanborn volunteered to be on the VNP Committee. Bruce Beste invited someone from the Trails Committee to be a representative on the St. Louis County Task Force Committee. Deena requested clarification of Butch’s comment about marketing the Braaten property. Butch responded that that was a comment related to the property remaining on the tax rolls rather than becoming more government owned land in the Crane Lake area.
Next Meeting: Board of Appeals Meeting – April12, 2016, 1PM – Fellowship Hall
Board of Supervisors’ Meeting – April 12, 2016, 7:30PM – Fellowship Hall
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20PM.
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jim Janssen, Chairman
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.