3/8/16 Annual Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2016
The March 8, 2016 Annual Meeting was called to order by Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman at 7:30PM, at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including: Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman and 14 members of the community.
Clerk Jo Ann explained the purpose of the Annual Meeting and reminded everyone that it is a public meeting, anyone may attend, but only eligible voters of the Town may act at the meeting. Voting was to be done by voice or show of hands.
Clerk Jo Ann asked for nominations for a Moderator. Ruth L. Carlson nominated Jeff Sanborn, with a second by Bill Condon. Jo Ann asked for any other nominations three times. There being no other nominations, the nominations were closed. All voted in favor with Jeff Sanborn being nominated as Moderator.
Moderator Jeff stated the order of business by reading the Agenda.
Speed humps were added to the Agenda. A motion was made by Butch Eggen, supported by Bill Congdon, to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Minutes Approval – All attendees of the Annual Meeting received copies of the minutes for approval. Jeff asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. There were none. A motion was made by Butch Eggen, supported by Jim Janssen, to approve the minutes of the 3/10/15 Annual Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by Bill Congdon, supported by Ruth L. Carlson, to approve the minutes of the 2/9/16 Board of Audit Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Clerk Jo Ann read the following Treasurer’s Report for fiscal year 2015:
Opening Balance $ 125,601.53
Receipts +197,346.39
Disbursements -178,931.38
Ending Balance $ 144,016.54
A motion was made by Ruth L. Carlson, supported by Bruce Beste, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Moderator Jeff asked if there was any other Old Business from the floor. There was none.
2016 Election Day Times & Location – A motion was made by Ruth L. Carlson, supported by Bill Congdon, that the polls would be open from 10AM – 8PM for all elections in 2016 at the Fellowship Hall. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
2017 Annual Meeting Date, Time, & Location – A motion was made by Debbie Scott, supported by Butch Eggen, to set the 2017 Annual Meeting date and time for March 14, 2017 at 7:30PM at the Fellowship Hall. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
CLVTB Annual Summary Report: Crane Lake Visitor & Tourism Bureau, Chairperson Cathy Erickson, reported that the mission statement of the CLVTB is to generate economic growth through tourism in the Crane Lake area. We have a 9 member volunteer board of directors and are a private non-profit MN Corporation. Our board members are Lori Sanborn Vice-Chair, Jim Janssen Treasurer, Darrell Scott, Rob Scott, Mark Anderson, Dave Beckman, Bruce Beste, Paul Tufte and I. Melissa Rabas is our Administrative Secretary. Our annual budget is approximately $70,000. About 80% of revenue is generated thru CL Town ordinance calling for a 3% tax on lodging. The remaining funding comes from donations and grants. A 5% administrative fee is retained by the Town. Approximately 19 businesses in our taxing area, 3 businesses outside our area, and 10 associate businesses are on our membership rolls. Advertising includes: Our Website: www.visitcranelake.com receives 112,428 page views annually; Social media on Facebook page; Area Brochure; Advertising in a number of tourism interest publications; Bill board on HWY 53 south of Orr; Participating in regional and state programs; for example, the MN Arrowhead Association, Destinations Voyageurs National Park, and Explore Minnesota Tourism.
Town of Crane Lake Annual Meeting Minutes 3/8/2016 – Page 2
CLVTB Annual Summary Report: (Cont.)
Accomplishments for 2015 and thus far: Redesigned www.visitcranelake.com; redesigned and reprinted our new brochure; formed committees to streamline projects and measure them with a matrix; revised by-laws to reflect current changes within the bureau; refurbished Pierre, the Voyageur Statue; developed membership guidelines and enhanced marketing fees to enable all area businesses an opportunity to advertise on a level they choose; new Tourism Office location; revised our strategic plan as of February 29, 2016 and will continue to use this plan to guide our adverting and marketing program. The Bureau continues to explore marketing opportunities and new venues for our members. Monthly meetings are held the last Monday of each month to which the public is invited to attend.
CLWSD & JPB Annual Summary Report: The 2015 CLWSD annual report was submitted to the Crane Lake Township as requested by Rob Scott, Chair. The purpose of the report is to provide an overview of the significant actions and activities over the past year involving wastewater management within the sewer district:
- Our 2015 annual revenues were $240,000.00 (operating, special assessment, and tax levy funds) and total expenses were $325,000.00 (operating, administrative, debt service, and depreciation). For 2015 we increased our sewer rates by 3% and reduced the tax levy by approximately 10% to $55,000.00. The sewer rate increase revenue goes directly into our reserve funds. If you do not factor in the depreciation expense, we closed out the year with a positive cash flow of approximately $21,000.00.
- The district has implemented phase I of a sewer management program. We now are the only MPCA permitted sewer district that has a combined centralized (collection and treatment) and decentralized (ISTS-individual sewer treatment systems) sewer treatment program. The sewer management program has three phases: Phase I: Volunteer new ISTS management, Phase II: Volunteer existing ISTS management, Phase III: District wide ISTS sewer management. We anticipate having 10-15 management systems operational in 2016.
- The treatment plant processed over 2.0 million gallons of sewage while maintaining all standards. The operational components of the plant continue to be updated for sustainability. The district will be receiving a MPCA 2015 operational award at the annual MPCA Wastewater Conference. Terry Jackson, our plant licensed operator will be receiving the award.
- The Joint Powers Board continues to support our ongoing efforts. We are working with the US Forest Service on Recreational Residential properties (Federal leased properties) and our sewer management program. We are at the initial discussions with the JPB regarding annexation of the Kicker Boulevard properties into the CLWSD. The last annexation was when we brought East Bay into the district. Funding for our CAR work is also being coordinated at the JPB with MPCA.
- The Handberg Road expansion project collection system was completed last fall. In the spring there are some remaining punch list items that need to be done. Connection and management installation planning is ongoing utilizing information gathered from the Community Assessment Review (CAR) and individual sewer connection requests.
- We have some other ongoing challenges that are not significant in nature, but have the potential to be bell ringers. Our licensed plant operator is going to retire at the end of the year and we are working on getting Nikki Rutchasky to be his replacement. The winter has been user friendly regarding freezing issues, but the new infusion process and monitoring process we have in place appears to be a good solution. New sewer usage rate and billing procedures have been implemented to better handle the seasonal dynamics of the system and the users.
CLVSC Annual Summary Report: President Mike Cherrywell reported that the snowmobile season got off to a late start from the lack of cold and snow. Once we got going we were grooming 5-6 days a week. The club is working on 2 possible trail reroutes on the south trail. We are waiting to hear from the county and forest service. Next season will be the third season on our groomer and we will be looking to update it after the season. All in all a good snowmobile season, but with the warm weather grooming has come to a halt.
IJC/Water Board Report: Jerry Pohlman reported that the IJC is reviewing the 2000 rule curve, which was mandated after 15 years. They have appointed a study board to gather information, run models and recommend a change or not a change to the 2000 Rule Curve. There is also a rule curve page to assist the study board in this endeavor. There are 28 members in this group; we have met twice by phone and today in person. We will also meet one more time before March 21st when the public comment period on the study strategy ends. In today’s meeting, we discussed the upcoming meetings over the next year and a half, when the study board will present its recommendation to the IJC. We also went over a practice Shared Vision Model. The model we used today was only hypothetical, as all the Performance Indicators and Weight of Evidence criteria are not yet available. We ran 9 different modes, including the 2000 rule cure, the 1970 rule curve, and State of Nature model. There was also a perfect forecast model that was the only one that outperformed the 2000 model. A major flood cannot be avoided, but small floods can be avoided.
Town of Crane Lake Annual Meeting Minutes 3/8/2016 – Page 3
CL Chapel Annual Summary Report: Shirley Sanborn reported the following: Services are every Sunday at 11:30AM, weather permitting. The Chapel has a very energetic pastor, Barbara McKewin and the services are short. Good Friday service will be at 4PM, Easter Sunday Service will be at 7AM with breakfast. The Bazaar was well attended in 2015 and pasties will be made again. There are currently pasties available.
Cook-Orr Healthcare District Annual Report: Town Representative Shirley Sanborn handed out the 2015 Annual Report and reported that they have a new CEO/Administrator, Teresa Debevec, who is doing very well. The biggest news is approval of the Care Center construction. The Nursing Home facility plans include single rooms. Please read the 2015 Annual Report pamphlet for a complete update.
CLVFD Annual Summary Report: Crane Lake Volunteer Fire Department Chief Jeff Sanborn reported that they had 12 EMS calls and 7 fire calls with no serious fires. They were called on by Portage Township to assist. The First Responders have completed their refresher courses and there was fire training throughout the winter. Crain Construction will be re-roofing the fire hall this summer. Jeff explained that the $15,000 increase in their levy request is to purchase a new fire truck. They will need to request the additional $15,000 for about four years, dropping back after that. They are always looking for volunteers. Pensions are now through PERA on the state level.
Review Proposed Revenue & Expenditures – Clerk and Budget Committee member Jo Ann reviewed the proposed 2017 budget revenues and expenditures. Copies of the 2017 budget were distributed to everyone in attendance prior to the meeting. Jo Ann reviewed the proposed revenues of $190,300.00 and the proposed Township disbursements of $137,100.00 plus Fire Protection for $65,000.00; totaling $202,100.00. Jo Ann asked if there were any questions.
Speed Humps: A motion was made by Bill Congdon, supported by Bruce Beste, to eliminate the speed humps. 11 voted in favor, 2 voted against, 1 abstained and the motion carried.
Moderator Jeff asked if there was any other New Business from the floor. There was none.
Moderator Jeff asked for a motion to either approve the 2015 levy request or recess the meeting. A motion was made by Jim Janssen, supported by Bruce Beste, to approve the levy request rather than recess to a future date. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by Bruce Beste, supported by Jim Janssen, to approve the Fire Department portion of the 2017 levy request of $65,000.00. 13 voted in favor, 1 abstained, and the motion carried. A motion was made by Bill Congdon, supported by Ruth L. Carlson, to approve the Township portion of the 2017 levy request of $50,000.00. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jeff Sanborn, Moderator
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved.