12/12/17 Minutes
December 12, 2017
The December 12, 2017 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Janssen at 7:30PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including: Supervisors Butch Eggen, Jim Janssen and Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman; and 3 members of the community.
Additions to the Agenda: Cook Library Donation Request was added to New Business.
Minutes – A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jim, to approve the minutes of the 11/14/17 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting and the 11/20/17 Special Board Meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report –The November Cash Balances were read and the bills were presented as follows: Crane Lake Chapel – $600.00; Timberjay – $34.84; MATIT – $219.00; CLWSD – $300.00; Lutefisk Tech. – $47.50; Costin Group – $1,250.00; Svare Appraisal Service – $800.00; CLVFD – $32,500.00; Compeer Financial – $1,700.00; Lake Country Power – $146.56; CLVTB – $1,651.73; and Payroll – $624.80. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Butch, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Clerk presented the correspondence. The correspondence was received as read and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.
Jacque Eggen Memorial Fund: There was no report.
Costin Group Report: There was no report.
VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite: The Board discussed the appraisal and DNR appraisal review. The Board discussed that the CLWSD Special Assessments on the Braaten property would be part of the land purchase. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to adopt Resolution No. 2017-06 Authorizing the Town of Crane Lake to Purchase the Braaten Property – accepting the terms of the Purchase Agreement of 11/9/17; authorizing the Town to submit any necessary grant requests and expend additional funds to complete the property acquisition; and authorizing all Board members to deliver all documents and instruments necessary to effectuate execution of the Purchase Agreement. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A Special Board Meeting will be called to review the final documents and to approve the claims for the property purchase. Closing should occur by the end of December.
ATV Use: Bruce Beste was not present to report. Traci advised that the ATV Christmas party would be at the VRT at 6PM on Saturday.
Trails Report: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to write a letter to Tim Engrave of the DNR asking what action would be needed to open the existing trail on Chaffee Point. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Land Use Project: Butch communicated with Andy Hubley at the ARDC. Andy has referred our project to someone else at the ARDC who will be reviewing CJ Fernandez’ work and may attend the January or February meeting.
IRRRB Voyageur Statue Work: Rob Scott provided the following report: I am continuing to work the grant funds for the Voy statue. We have a bid estimate that is over the original grant funds awarded to the Township. I am requesting an additional $40,000.00 to cover the total bid quote. The additional costs are primarily related to building and erecting a kiosk that is usable 7/24, 12 months of the year. There also needs to be more discussion on what was approved by the IRRRB board in May for Infrastructure projects and what is currently being allowed at the local level, i.e. covering all engineering costs, flag poles, tables, etc. I am working on this with assistance from S.E.H. and Representative Rob Ecklund. On a separate front, we plan to have rest room facilities on site. This will be worked through the CLWSD utilizing Legacy funds. The end game for this science project is to be up and running by opening of fishing season. Life is good.
Town Of Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – December 12, 2017
CLWSD Board Appointment: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to adopt Resolution No. 2017-07 electing Bruce Beste to the Board of Managers of the CLWSD for a term commencing on 1/1/2018 and expiring on 12/30/2020. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Tobacco License Renewals: A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Butch, to adopt Resolution No. 2017-09 approving the issuance of a tobacco products license to Scotts Crane Lake Bar & Grill, LLC d/b/a Scotts Crane Lake Bar & Grill for the year ending the 31st day of December 2018. All voted in favor and the motion carried. A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to adopt Resolution No. 2017-08 approving the issuance of a tobacco products license to VHB, Inc. d/b/a Voyagaire Lodge and Houseboats for the year ending the 31st day of December 2018. Jerry and Butch voted in favor, Jim abstained and the motion carried.
Consultant Contract: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to sign the 2018 Agreement between Costin Group and the Town of Crane Lake. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fire Protection Contract: A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to sign the 2018 Fire Protection Services Agreement between the Crane Lake Volunteer Fire Department and the Town of Crane Lake. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Premier Pyrotechnics 3-Year Contract: A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, to sign the Contract for Services between Premier Pyrotechnics and the Town of Crane Lake for fireworks on July 4th of 2018, 2019 and 2020. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Levy Revisit: Each December the Board reviews the levy amount submitted to the County in September with the option to lower the amount. The Board agreed to leave the levy at $120,000.
2018 Meeting Date Posting: The Board reviewed the meeting dates for 2018. The meeting dates will be posted.
Tax-Forfeited Land: Deena Congdon suggested that the Township look into acquiring tax-forfeited lands in Crane Lake that are going to be turned over to the County. A motion was made by Jim, supported by Butch, appointing Jerry to look into the tax-forfeited land options. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Cook Library Donation: The Board decided not to donate at this time.
Other New Business: None
Comments from Officers: Butch thanked everyone for attending the meeting and wished all a Merry Christmas.
Public Comments: There were none.
Next Meeting: Board of Supervisors’ & Reorganization Meeting, January 9, 2018 – 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM.
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jim Janssen, Chairman
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.