Crane Lake Township

Current Topics

12/14/21 Minutes



December 14, 2021


The December 14, 2021, Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Pohlman at 5:30PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including Supervisors Jim Janssen, Kara Knutson, & Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman; and ten members of the community.  Some community members attended via Zoom.




Additions to the Agenda:  Flowers was added to Old Business.


Minutes – A motion was made by Jim, supported by Kara, to approve the minutes of the 11/9/21 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report –The November Cash Balances were read, and the bills were presented as follows: Costin Group – $1,250.00; Lake Country Power – $142.78; CLVTB – $394.15 & $574.40; Crane Lake Chapel – $800.00; MATIT – $265.00; CLWSD – $300.00; Postmaster – $58.00; Lutefisk Tech. – $1,530.40; CLVFD – $27,500.00 and Payroll – $636.57.  A motion was made by Jim, supported by Kara, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


The Clerk presented the correspondence.  The correspondence was received and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.




Flowers:  Jodi Driggs told those present that more volunteers were needed to water the flowers throughout the community next summer and asked that everyone pass the word.


VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite:

Committee Report & Resulting Board Action:  Gretchen Janssen provided the following report:  Overall there are 3 major issues for the engineers that may delay the construction of the Visitor Center to 2023: 1) Platting and Zoning.  Surveys are    and engineers are turning them into CAD drawings, establishing boundaries.  Need coordination with the County and the Twp attorney:  The County to find underground sewer and water lines for lot #13 and reduce setback restrictions.  The attorney to possibly re-plat and dedicate lots for construction.  2)  Wetlands.  County is delaying their assessment until Spring.  Frustrating.  3) Contamination.  Significant amounts of petroleum have been found on the property.  The state will clean it up, but the process is slow.  In the Spring, they will inject a chemical which takes 3 months to break down contaminates.  After that 3 month period, they will perform tests.  It is very possible (likely?) we will have contaminants near enough to the future Visitor Center that we will have to take on extra expense to mitigate risks.  (We are choosing to develop the area, so to the state, we are responsible for public health on-site therefore responsible to pay for vapor barriers or whatever type of mitigation practices they recommend during construction).  The Brownsfield program was explained to us as a program we voluntarily enroll in, which will allow us to get guidance from the MPCA on how to best mitigate vapor risk in the VC.  This may best be done in the Fall, after the “investigation phase” is over and we see the results of the chemical breakdown process, and they access potential dangers to the building site.

Speaking of the building site, A.R.I is holding off at this time on any planning for the Visitor Center.  Before they begin to work, they want to know exactly where the building will sit on the property.

Regarding the Campground, S.E.H presented a very preliminary sketch of possible RV site locations.  If you look at the agenda for the meeting, you will find it on pages 2 and 3.  There were 2 pull through sites and 23 other sites, totaling 25 RV sites.  They are going to send follow up questions to the committee to continue to make progress on designing the Campground.  (For example, just how large and how close together do you want these sites to be?)

Gary will follow up with the County on funding.  We need approval for spending before the end of December as our engineers are reaching their $35,000 limit soon.

Mark Anderson reported that he met with Dan Hinzmann & Jason Chopp of S.E.H. to review the layout of the Campground.  Another meeting would be held on Wednesday with an updated map showing increased RV sites and increased parking.  There will be a better layout by Thursday for further discussion.

Agreements: The Board agreed that the changes to the S.E.H. Agreement and the A.R.I. Agreement suggested by attorney Bob Ruppe would not be added to the signed agreements.


Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – December14, 2021



VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite: (Cont.)

Questions: Deena Congdon, who was unable to attend the meeting, provided a list of questions for the Board.  1) Contact Gary Cerkvenik requesting him to work with S.E.H. and the County to get the building permits for the Visitor Center and Campground and to look into any needed variances.  Jim will work on this.  2) There seems to be CIC concerns about where the County may allow the Township to build due to setbacks, etc.  Bryan Lindsay of Trenti Law will be sending CIC information sometime this week as a result of the virtual meeting held on  December 10th.  The Board will wait for this information before moving forward.  3) An overlay on how Bayside Drive would look with the road right away, if the Town or the DNR owned the road should be requested from S.E.H.  Gretchen will bring this up at the meeting with S.E.H. on Thursday.  4) Town representatives need to meet or talk with the individual owners on Bayside Drive to explain what would happen if ownership of the road would change.  A meeting will be scheduled.

Bayside Drive Upgrade:  Discussed above.

Pathway/Road between the DNR Public Water Access and the Visitor Center:  There was no discussion.

Funding:  The Township continues to wait for the approved LCCMR grant money.


ATV Report:  The building season is over until next spring.  The Christmas party was held.  The club is working on future contracts.


Trails Report:  There was no Report.


Land Use Project:  This project is on hold and will temporarily be removed from the agenda.


American Rescue Plan Act Fund:  The expenditure of funds is yet to be determined.  An additional $142.07 in funds was received bringing the total to $4,480.57.


Broadband Committee Report:  There was no report.


JPB Comprehensive Plan Comments – The Board members had no comments on the plan.


CIC:  The adoption of the resolution approving the final draft of the CIC Amendment was tabled again as there may be further changes to the Amendment.





CLWSD Manager Positions Appointments:  A motion was made by Kara, supported by Jim, to adopt Resolution No. 2021-10 electing Mark Anderson and Robert Scott to the Board of Managers of the Crane Lake Water & Sanitary District for terms commencing on January 1, 2022 and ending on the last day of December 2024.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Tobacco License Renewals:  A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Jim, to adopt Resolution #2021-11 approving the issuance of a tobacco products license for Pine Point Lodge & Resort, Inc. d/b/a Pine Point Lodge & Resort, Inc. for the year ending the 31st day of December, 2022; and adopt Resolution #2021-12 approving the issuance of a tobacco products license for Scotts Bar & Grill, LLC d/b/a Scotts Bar & Grill for the year ending the 31st day of December, 2022.  All voted in favor and the motion was carried.


Levy Revisit:  The Board agreed to let the levy remain at $125,000.


2022 Meeting Date Posting:  The Board reviewed the 2022 Meeting Dates with no changes being made.


Other New Business:  Jim brought up the subject of the Township taking over Planning and Zoning.  There was much discussion.  Jim will research and report back.


Comments from Officers:  Jerry thanked Jim for taking on the research of Planning and Zoning for the Township.


Public Comments:   Nancy Ross, attending via Zoom, requested confirmation of no changes on the Pathway/Roadway between the Visitor Center and the DNR Public Water Access. There was no change.  She also asked about easements.  Other than utilities, there were no recorded easements; only verbal easements are mentioned in the CIC.


Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – December14, 2021




Next Meeting:   Board of Supervisors’ Meeting & Reorganization – January 11, 2022 – 5:30PM, Fellowship Hall



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40PM.






Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk                                                  Jerry Pohlman, Chairman






















































This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.