Crane Lake Township

Current Topics

1/11/22 Minutes



January 11, 2022


The January 11, 2022, Board of Supervisors’ & Reorganization Meeting was called to order by Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman at 5:40PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including Gary Cerkvenik of Costin Group, Supervisors Jim Janssen (via phone), Kara Knutson, & Jerry Pohlman; Treasurer Traci Bak; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman; and five members of the community.  Some community members attended via Zoom.


Election of Officers:  A motion was made by Jim, supported by Kara, to re-nominate Jerry as Chairman.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Kara, to re-nominate Jim as Vice-Chairman.  Jerry & Kara voted in favor, Jim abstained, and the motion carried.


The meeting was turned over to Chairman Jerry Pohlman.




Additions to the Agenda:  There were none.


Minutes – A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Kara, to approve the minutes of the 12/14/21 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report –The December Cash Balances were read, and the bills were presented as follows: Costin Group – $1,250.00; Lake Country Power – $146.56; CLVTB – $438.95; RAMS – $150.00; IRS – $417.04; MN – $79.90; Timberjay – $73.20; Lutefisk Tech. – $375.00; St. Louis County Auditor – $78.71; Border State Bank – $3,800.35; Couri & Ruppe – $715.00; and Payroll – $913.62.  A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


The Clerk presented the correspondence.  The correspondence was received and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.




VNP-Visitor Center/Campsite:

Committee Report & Resulting Board Action:  Mark Anderson reported on the Campground layout.  Twp options were presented to the Committee – one with one approach, the other with two approaches.  Mark felt the option with one approach was preferrable, providing 40 RV sites, 5 campsites and good parking.    Fire rings were discussed with the thought being less was better for safety.  Each RV site would be state regulation size, 40’W x 50’L.   Deena reviewed the action items on the 1/6/22 S.E.H. Meeting Minutes.  1) Steps to move forward with information from Trenti Law Firm.  Response time is slow.  A motion was made by Jim, supported by Jerry, that Jerry speak with Bryan Lindsay at Trenti about speeding up the response time and his interest in working with the Township.   Gary Cerkvenik suggested another attorney, should it be necessary to make a change.  2)  Deena also mentioned that S.E.H. would be communicating with the architectural firm regarding information being provided.  3)  Finalization of signatures for the Visitor Center LCCMR grant was accomplished.

Bayside Drive:  The Town needs to evaluate desire from property owners for easements.  Gary Cerkvenik reviewed progress to date.  The Township has applied to the State Park Road Account for funding.  A decision on funding should be made in March or April.  There was discussion of visiting each property owner along Bayside Drive to describe how their property would be affected by expanding the road.

Pathway or Road between Visitor Center & DNR site:  Tabled

Funding:  Application to the IRRR for additional funding for Bayside Drive is being pursued.


Planning & Zoning:  Community members are concerned about the difficulty of obtaining building permits, etc. from the County and are looking for ways to remedy the issues.  One option would be for the Township to take over their own Planning & Zoning.  This would increase the levy.  It could be tried; and if unsuccessful, the responsibility could be returned to the County.


ATV Report:  The building season is over until next spring.  There will be a meeting at the Dam at 6:30PM on Wednesday, January 12th.


Trails Report:  There was no Report

Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – January 11, 2022



American Rescue Plan Act Fund:  The expenditure of funds is yet to be determined.


Broadband Committee Report:  A Committee Meeting will be scheduled with Consolidated Telephone Co and Whitney Ridlon of IRRR present.  The meeting will be posted.


CIC:  The adoption of the resolution approving the final draft of the CIC Amendment was tabled again as there may be further changes to the Amendment.





Board of Audit Meeting Date & Time:  The meeting is set for February 8, 2022 at 5:30PM prior to the regular Board of Supervisors’ Meeting.


Budget Committee Meeting Date, Time, Location:  The meeting date is still under discussion.  The location will be at the Fellowship Hall at 10AM.  The meeting will be posted.



A motion was made by Kara, supported by Jerry, to designate the following for 2022:

Town Board Meetings – Date & Time remains as the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM May through September and 5:30PM October through April, any changes will be posted.

Official Posting Places remain the same as one posting listing all meeting dates for the year at the Church, Post Office & the following businesses when open – Anderson’s, Crane Lake Bar & Grill, Handberg’s, Nelson’s, & Voyagaire.  Changes will be posted as needed.

Legal Representative remains as Couri & Ruppe of St. Michael with the option to consult others on an as-needed basis.

Depository/Bank remains the same as any bank in St. Louis County may be used with Frandsen Bank designated as the primary bank.

Fellowship Hall Donation will increase to $850 for 2022.

Minutes Distribution & Posting Policy – Minutes are mailed to those supplying the Clerk with stamped, self-addressed envelopes. Minutes are posted at the Church, and on the Website.

Copy & Information Request Policy remains the same – Charge of 25 cents per copy (includes labor) for copy requests & $25 per hour for other labor requests.    

Salaries & Meeting Rates change as follows: Supervisors, $55 per meeting; Clerk, $380 per month plus $55 per meeting; Treasurer, $245.00 per month plus $55 per meeting; Election Judges remain the same at $11 per hour and $12 per hour after 10PM.

Mileage Reimbursement remains the same to follow State guideline, which fluctuates and at this time is .575 cents per mile.

Official Newspaper will be the Cook News-Herald as per motion by the Board in 2014 to alternate between the CNH and Timberjay each year.

All voted in favor and the motion carried.


A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Kara, that Committees would be as follows:



Budget Committee – The Budget Committee will continue to be made up of One Supervisor, the Clerk, the Treasurer and two members of the community.

VNP Visitor Center/Campground Committee – Deena Congdon and Gretchen Janssen as Co-Chairs of the Committee.  Other members are Brenda Pohlman, Jeff Miller, Mark Anderson, Bruce Beste, Lori & Jeff Sanborn, and Jim Janssen as ex-officio. Others are welcome.

Trails Committee – Deena Congdon, Gretchen Janssen, Dee Kuder, Jeff Miller, Lori Sanborn & Jo Ann Pohlman. Others are welcome.

Broadband Committee – Drake Dill, Mark Anderson, Jim Janssen.

All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Town of Crane Lake Meeting Minutes – January 11, 2022



A motion was made by Kara, supported by Jerry, that Representatives would be as follows:



International Rainy Lake Board of Control – Jerry Pohlman.

ATV – Bruce Beste.

All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Other New Business:  There was none.


Comments from Officers:  Jerry thanked Jim and the Visitor Center Committee for all their work.


Public Comments:   Nancy Ross, attending via Zoom, asked if the CIC would continue to exist and what does CIC stand for.  Yes, it will continue to exist; but the Town is adjusting so it fits current needs.  CIC stands for Common Interest Community. She also asked if the Pathway/Road between the Visitor Center and the DNR site was on hold.  The Town is involved in other aspects of the project and will keep property owners’ concerns in mind.  Kathy Slycord, also attending via Zoom, referred to the recent article in the Timberjay about the CLWSD.  Kathy was thanked for her input and reminded that the Township and CLWSD are separate.


Next Meeting:   Board of Audit and Board of Supervisors’ Meeting – February 8, 2022 – 5:30PM, Fellowship Hall



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45PM.






Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk                                                  Jerry Pohlman, Chairman






























This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.