Crane Lake Township

Current Topics

November 10, 2009: Minutes



November 10, 2009


The November 10, 2009 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jerry Pohlman at 7:30PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including:  Supervisors Jerry Pohlman and Butch Eggen, Treasurer Terrie Hoff, Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman, a reporter from the Voyageur Sentinel, and one member of the community.  Supervisor Jim Janssen was absent.


Additions to the Agenda:  There were none.


Minutes – A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry, to approve the minutes of the 10/20/09 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting.  Butch and Jerry voted in favor and the motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report – Terrie read the October Cash Balances and presented the bills as follows:  Quill – $108.24; Jan Jackson – $2,100.00; CLVTB – $6,341.94 and Payroll – $513.80. A motion was made by Jerry, supported by Butch, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and the payment of bills.  Jerry and Butch voted in favor and the motion carried.


The Clerk presented the correspondence.  The correspondence was received as read and will be placed on file and acted upon as required.





Land Exchange/Community Property Project: Ruth L. Carlson was not present to report.


CLWSD Report: CLWSD Chairman Rob Scott reviewed the status of the CLWSD with the Board and others present. He explained that the Namakan Basin JPB had met on October 22nd and the JPA had held their first meeting electing officers.  The winterizing of the system is nearly complete.  Hay will be placed on grinder tanks that are in use full-time and intermittently throughout the winter season. The corrective action related to the freezing of last winter is nearly complete.  A report was received from the USDA-RD advising the Board that the District loan could be re-amortized with a 2.5% rather than a 4.125% interest rate.  The Board will review this option.  The Board continues to work towards re-cooping funds related to the freezing issues.  As CLWSD Board Chair, Rob recommended the appointment of a local resident, currently living in the area, to the vacant seat on the CLWSD Board.


Local Board of Appeal & Equalization Training Report:  Jerry reported that both he and Jim attended the class on November 4th and both are now certified for LBAE meetings.  Jerry felt the training was very informative.





CLWSD Board Appointment:  A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry to adopt Resolution No. 2009-04 electing Mark Anderson to the CLWSD Board for a term commencing immediately until January 1, 2013.  There was discussion. Butch and Jerry voted in favor and the motion carried.


Other New Business:


School Board Referendum:  Jerry read aloud a letter received from Gretchen Janssen to be sent to Superintendent Rick expressing the Township’s support of the referendum and addressing the location choice and travel distance for students from the Crane Lake area.  A motion was made by Butch, supported by Jerry to forward the letter to Superintendent Rick after further review of the letter with Gretchen.  Butch and Jerry voted in favor and the motion carried.


Crane Lake Township Taxing Capacity:  Ruth L. Carlson sent the following information, received from the St. Louis County Auditor’s Office, in response to a community member’s inquiry regarding the legality of the tax amount the Township may levy:


Taxing capacity is based on a percentage of the Town’s value by St. Louis County

The Town of Crane Lake’s value is $79,000,000

The Top Taxing Levy as per the County is $788,898

The 2008 Levy for the Township was $91,270

The amount the levy could be raised:  $788,898 (allowable) less $91,270 (08 Levy) = $697,628



Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Minutes – November 10, 2009



Comments from Officers:  Terrie stated that she would not be at the December meeting.


PUBLIC COMMENTS – There were none.



Next Meeting:    Board of Supervisors’ Meeting, December 8, 2009 – 7:30PM, Fellowship Hall





There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM.





Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk                                                   Jerry Pohlman, Chairman




This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes.  Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved by the Crane Lake Board of Supervisors.