1/20/16 Special Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 20, 2016
The January 20, 2016 Special Board of Supervisors’ Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Janssen at 1:05PM at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those in attendance including: Guest Speaker Kathy Vesely of MnDOT Aeronautics; Supervisors Arthur Eggen, Jim Janssen, and Jerry Pohlman; Clerk Jo Ann Pohlman and 5 members of the community. Treasurer Traci Bak arrived at approximately 1:15PM.
Purpose of Meeting: Chairman Jim explained the purpose of the meeting being to discuss Township involvement in airport aviation gas tax collection and use in the community. He then introduced guest speaker, Kathy Vesely of MnDOT Aeronautics.
Kathy distributed the following items to the Board and community members: 2015 Airport Directory and Travel Guide, Aeronautical Chart, Simple Example of Airport Zoning, Capital Improvement Program Report, and So… You want to Build a New Airport?
Kathy explained that MnDot could help with technical advice and funding for public airports. The Township would need to decide if they wanted to become airport owners or not. The following information was provided to help in the decision making process:
By statute, any municipality can be an airport.
Community support would be needed.
Community aviation provides air ambulance & medical transportation and personal transportation
Feasibility study would need to be conducted
Site selection (part of Scott’s Seaplane Base/Resort)
Site approval prior to property acquisition
Master planning: Community involvement, airport layout plan, property map, zoning map, history.
Zoning: May not be needed because airport is water based only.
Construction & Financing: Qualification approval would be provided by National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) for federal funding and is usually approved for larger airports with a 90% FAA + 5% State + 10% Local funding plan. If NPIAS does not approve, there is a 90% State + 10% Local funding plan that may be adjustable.
Maintenance & Operation: Limited funds may be available with local match.
Crane Lake is already known as a high demand and busy airport due to local and international travel, and customs. This would be the first community with a water based only airport.
Questions and discussion:
What is Township’s legal liability? It may be possible to add to current liability insurance.
If the Township owned the airport, who would manage it? The Town could contract with present owners or someone else.
If the present owners sold the property, how would that affect the community? That would depend on the purchaser and their interest in continuing the airport.
If the Township purchased the property with the 90%/10% funding plan, they would receive 10% of sale proceeds when and if airport was sold by the Township. The Township would be required to retain ownership for 99 years. This timespan could be overcome by holding a study, hearings, etc.
Town would need to contact other airports for operation and budget statistics. Present owners would also need to provide income and expense information to the Town.
The Master Plan would need to be signed by a registered engineer.
Surface access to the airport would need to be considered – fee ownership of access would be required.
Where would the Township get the 10% match? Levy and/or grants would be an option. The Remote Airport Foundation and Seaplane Pilots Association could be contacted for donations.
Should a purchase be decided upon, the appraisal process would include separate appraisals by the owner, the purchaser and MnDOT Aeronautics.
The current airport, owned by Scott’s, was licensed in 1942, began fueling in 1948 and customs was added in 1953.
The concept of the Township becoming an airport owner was presented to the Township by Darrell and Carole Scott after they had received questions from their customers about future plans for a continued airport in Crane Lake.
Special Board of Supervisors’ Meeting – January 20, 2016
There were no further questions or discussion. Chairman Jim thanked Kathy for her presentation, as did the rest of the community members present.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20PM
Jo Ann Pohlman, Clerk Jim Janssen, Chairman
This draft of the Crane Lake Township minutes has been posted solely for preliminary informational purposes. Minutes are unofficial and subject to change until they have been approved.